The well-established international cooperation makes Ny-Ålesund and the Kongsfjorden a key-area where to develop a monitoring super-site in the Arctic region. The CNR Arctic Station Digirigibile Italia and the Arctic Strategic Project offer the opportunity to exploit the potentialities of the Italian research and to increase the know-how of the complex processes and interactions connecting the different components of the climatic system, through a multidisciplinary approach.
The Climate Change Tower Integrated Project was intended to create an experimental platform to investigate arctic atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) energy budget, and role played by different processes involving atmosphere, snow, ice, ocean and land (permafrost and vegetation) components. Key elements of this projects are the 33 m high Amundsen-Nobile Climate Change Tower (CCT), the Gruvebadet Atmospheric Laboratory (GAL) and the Mooring Dirigibile Italia (MDI).